Tips for women entrepreneurs and founders from the gutsy, Women Funding Women event recently atRise Tel Aviv arranged by Dell DWEN and Springboard Enterprises.
1.Go to every meet up you can in the early days. You don’t know where your next great introduction is going to come from.
2. Don’t worry if you don’t know all the inns and outs of term sheets and liquidation preferences . Getting the funding is the most important thing to do.
3. Decide how long you can go without money. Six months is the maximum.
4. Gonna do it with our without you … Make clear you are going to go ahead and grow your company anyway but they need to decide if you want to be in by a certain time Show the investors a timeline before the ask slide. ( love this one)
5. You should sound confidant “ like an alpha male” ( forgive the comparison).
6. Entrepreneurs need to know how to ask for help.
7.Update investors even if they don’t respond.
8. You have so much to do - you don’t have time for people who are not serious – avoid buffoonery.
9. If they’re not in to you and your idea move on to the next.
10. Ask your advisory board for angel investment. No cheque no board.